6 effective ways to get free visitors from Instagram 2022


6 effective ways to get free visitors from Instagram 2022

6 effective ways to get free visitors from Instagram 2022

Instagram has more than 1.3 billion users, over 200 million active accounts, and it shows that these numbers continue to grow.

Although it is an app that provides primarily visual content, it restricts links and only allows them to be added to a minimum.

But by following some simple tricks, you can get thousands of Instagram visitors for free, and that's exactly what we will try to explain below. The following lines will give you creative solutions to get more Instagram visitors absolutely free.

We will also discuss how to take advantage of all the Instagram tools to double the traffic to your website or blog. We promise you maximum benefits and a practical solution that you can implement as soon as you close this page!

Now let's start explaining how to attract visitors from Instagram in six different ways and how to use each method effectively to attract thousands of visitors to your blog, website or even your online store.

1. Biography

Membership or Vitality is the main key in this list to achieve your goal of getting Instagram visitors for free.

This is the most obvious place where you can just add a clickable link, and that link could be direct to the site or blog, or it could be a link to one of the campaigns you're running during the current period, or it's your best selling. product.

Here are some effective ways to leverage a resume to attract visitors to your site:

1. We know you want to put your homepage link at the top, but adding a special link that directs subscribers to the topic or product you promised in stories or daily posts has a bigger impact.

This is because the Instagram audience is more interested in visual content, so if you direct them to the home page of your site, they will feel lost and not be able to access what they were looking for or what they were looking for. He was trying to see him.

Therefore, we recommend that you change the link in the bio from time to time depending on the nature of the campaign on your site or the most popular and best-selling product in the current period.

2. Improving the functionality and role of the link added in the resume will encourage subscribers to click on it. This is not an exhaustive statement, but a personal experience for Well and Good, Fashion and Lifestyle.

While the traffic to their site from Instagram increased 179% over normal after switching to optimization and link management software in their bio, how do you manage your bio link and generate a lot of visitors? As much as possible?

Sure, with some tools that help, often for a fee, but we recommend trying Later's Linkin.bio tool, which has a free plan.

This tool will allow you to design a page with all the important links for your website or online store, easily control them and modify them according to your marketing goals at a specific time.

Au lieu qu'un utilisateur d'Instagram visite un lien vers une page spécifique de votre site ou visite la page d'accueil pour se laisser distraire, il visitera une page spécialement conçue pour le diriger vers des liens importants vers votre boutique site On-line.

3. We know that talking about valuable content can be a bit repetitive, but we want to stress that the previous or next steps will not increase your Instagram traffic, if your content is boring and uncreative.

Make sure that you provide good content on Instagram in general, focus on tips, highlight your achievements and sales, try to listen to the opinions of your followers and participate in solving their problems.

Content is the main motivation and only step for your follower to decide what to do next, whether they go to your bio and click on your link, or leave the page altogether!

4. Because of the importance of the link in a resume, you should also ensure that it is easily accessible from all types of phones. Since one hundred percent of the visitors to the application enter by phone, easy access to the site must be ensured.

Google's Mobile Compatibility Testing Tool helps you determine if your web page is suitable for different phones. The tool is free.

2. Publications

Posts or Posts is the front of your Instagram account, and therefore your site page. It's the first thing the visitor starts browsing after the resume. If what you offer is worth it, you are absolutely guaranteed to have a new visitor to your site. free.

Here are some tips and ideas to help you draw attention to your Instagram, but to take advantage of these tips, make sure you create a business account, not a personal one, and let's get started.

1. Insights feature is very useful for tracking your account like Facebook, it helps you to know the gender and age groups of your followers, the most attractive posts for them and more.

This data is useful in developing future plans and strategies for managing your account to attract subscribers to your site, because knowing which posts are the most attractive is the primary way to get the engagement and the number of views you want.

2. The images used in your messages must be intended for such use, as we have already indicated; The Instagram audience is more interested in the visual factor, so create beautiful, high-quality photos and videos that match the Instagram platform.

A tool like Canva allows you to scale your photos and videos to suitable dimensions on Instagram without falling into the trap of cropping or cropping any part.

You can also resort to photos and videos that you took yourself, but pay attention to the quality of the camera used and adjust the shooting modes. If you have a friend who is experienced in photography, you can help him.

You might think the above is too general and talking about image quality can be stressful, but you might change your mind when you know that 130 million Instagram users click shopping posts each month. What drives these people to click on this type of post is their quality.

3. Annotating or captioning an image is one of the things that you need to pay special attention to. A visitor cannot read more than 15 words before pressing see more. And here we need an explanation that tempts this visitor to complete the reading, or an explanation that does not go beyond those many words in the first place.

Before you write your thoughts in the description box, ask yourself which title you prefer to read in this type of blog. Personally, I prefer comments that motivate me to express my opinion, or provoke me to learn more.

For example, if the message is for a news site that reports an earthquake in one of the most important capitals of the world, leave all the details that you want to convey in the photo and in the description, write:

“Share with us details about the most dangerous earthquake in your country” or “To discover the most important effects of the devastation caused by the earthquake, click on the link in the bio.”

3. Daily stories

Stories feature is your third key in this list to get Instagram visitors for free and unfortunately many famous brands and marketers forget to use this key. We hope you don't do that either.

According to TechCrunch, in January 2020; Nearly 500 million users post stories every day, this statistic shows us the great interest of app users in daily stories. So how do you make the most of "stories"?

1. Broadcast regularly and daily to motivate people to click your site link in Bio, this is your sure way to reach as many target audience as possible.

The daily Instagram story disappears after only 24 hours as we all know. So skipping your post for a few days can prevent you from showing up with followers interested in your niche.

2. You need to engage the audience in what you offer and prevent the process of advertising your site from becoming a routine and urgent process. Always ask questions...

Example (What's your favorite colour, blue or red? Check out other cool colors by clicking the link in the bio.) You can also create polls with a CTA to motivate visitors to participate.

3. Adding a location to your daily story will attract more interest and followers in your area of ​​expertise.

For example, imagine you have a website that sells books. I took a picture of you from a public office visited by hundreds of people every day. Can you imagine the amount of interaction in this story and thus on the site?

4. Hashtags are as important in daily stories as they are in posts. It should be used well and judiciously. Do a comprehensive search for the most important hashtags in your industry.

We recommend to have a hashtag with 500-800,000 posts, more than that will make your stories disappear quickly due to high demand, less than that are hashtags that are not popular enough.

We also confirm that any images or content you provide in daily stories with hashtags does not appear in the app's post groups. Where the application imposes conditions related to the quality of the images and the rate of interaction on them in order to be able to display them.

5. It is a creative idea to take advantage of the daily stories feature to share other people’s stories and posts on the app, especially if they are popular or have a number of followers close to yours.

People don't like following an account or visiting a site they insist on visiting constantly, and their account is just an advertisement for the site. Sharing engagement also gives you more engagement and free traffic, and prevents you from falling into the trap of "brand burnout".

6. What if one of your daily stories got an unprecedented response within hours of being shared? You can easily make it a part of your profile by pinning it in the highlight.

Highlights are also daily stories, but they are pinned so that anyone who visits your Instagram can see them. Pin your daily highlights and top interactive stories.

We also recommend that you divide these highlights according to your site or blog to make it easier for the visitor to display products or services.

7. Scroll Up is the only feature in Daily Stories that allows you to add a link, but you can only take advantage of it if you have more than 10,000 followers on your account.

4. Influencers

Instagram is the influencer's favorite app, as they regularly share their photos and memos, as well as ads for different products or discount codes on many sites. I mean, influencers are taking over Instagram without a doubt.

As it is known, influencer marketing is one of the effective and successful ways to increase traffic to websites. But we also all know that they charge a lot of money to accept marketing offers, and our list here is free. How do you create the equation?

1. Do a good search for the influencer that matches your campaign. Your choices should be based on the influencer's reach, number of followers, and target audience. All of these factors must match the campaign you'll be running.

2. Most influencers, especially big ones, have a price list for posts, videos, daily stories, etc. But fortunately, this is not in line with lesser and more famous influencers.

Since your site is small and your project is in its early stages, we hope that you are dealing with influencers in your area or city, you can start by giving these influencers gifts or gifts of the product you are selling in exchange for free advertising.

If this influencer has 100,000 followers on Instagram, for example, you will notice an increase in traffic to your site once that influencer advertises their free product, especially if it is a high quality and valuable product.

This method is one of the most effective ways to attract Instagram visitors because it does not appear as direct ads.

For example, chocolatier Lindt collaborates with several influencers, including fitness professional Lucy Mountain, who has nearly half a million followers.

Thanks to the company's free gifts, most Lucy Lindt shoppers think it's not all about ads! In fact, neither party has explicitly disclosed that this collaboration was in fact propaganda.

3. If you are successful and grabbed the opportunity with an influencer and grabbed their attention, remember to quote these free ads and stick them in your highlights for lasting benefit.

5. Video clips

In 2021, about 78% of mobile users share videos compared to other types of content on social networks. This statistic gives us a quick idea of ​​the importance of videos in general and Instagram in particular.

There are two types of videos that can be shared on the app and get the desired benefit from subscribers' access to the site or blog. We will detail both types.

First IGTV Videos

This is a recently launched feature in the app that allows you to add videos that can be longer than 30 minutes.

Important information about the IGTV feature:

1. What is the difference between regular Instagram and IGTV videos? IGTV is a newly released feature that allows you to add longer videos, with full screen capability! So it mainly belongs to the creators.

2. The most important thing to know about this golden feature is that it is the second place on Instagram where you can put clickable links!

3. What makes IGTV special for sellers and business owners is that it allows you to shop directly from the app by tagging products and linking them to your videos.

4. IGTV clips are also easy to reach for people interested in your content without ads because Instagram algorithms basically direct them to the target audience.

From there, you can be sure that when browsing Instagram, you'll find that if you're a foodie, for example, most of the videos that show you are recipes!

5. Just choose the right hashtags and choose the words carefully. When describing video content, viewers can continue reading the descriptive text with just one click on "Watch More".

Second Reels videos

This is another feature for videos that the Instagram app also launched earlier this year and, unlike IGTV, allows you to post very short clips of 15-30 seconds, for example. Some experts believe that it is the new and powerful competitor to TIkTok.

Tips for making good rolls:

1. Videos break traditional taboos about marketers and marketers and bring them closer to their audience and customers. Therefore, we recommend that you provide quick and interesting information first.

The faster the clips and the more content you provide, the more subscribers will visit your page and from your page to your site.

2. It's good to take on challenges with your friends! For example, the challenge to read a book in two days and share the book on Realt. Create a tag with your name and add it in the video description area, eg #bookin2days.

This type of clip attracts an audience interested in your niche, and a wider circle of posts means more traffic to your site.

3. If you want to attract Instagram visitors with Reels feature, you need to stop talking for a while! And share more behind-the-scenes videos. for example; The steps needed to prepare your product for sale.

It is also possible to be a viewer of your site, and a short clip on how to take advantage of the site's offers and how to buy easily!

These things will move static water to your site and will go a long way in increasing your sales and interest in your products, everyone prefers reading success stories right from the start!

Also Read: How to Increase Engagement on Instagram (11 Effective and Influential Tips)

6. DM groups.

This is another good news. DM groups or private messages on Instagram is the third place for you in the app where you can add clickable links!

So how do you use the DM feature on Instagram?

1. Instagram messages allow you to create groups, just like Facebook, WhatsApp or Telegram groups. You can take advantage of this by creating your own group and adding your friends and interested audience.

2. These groups also allow you to add more members! Imagine how this special feature can benefit you.

You can launch incentive offers through these groups if new members are added, and you can also share links to your site with an attractive description that encourages group members to visit your site more often.

3. Always open chat with your private group and don't make it look like a publicity stunt! This will lead to boredom and boredom which will lead to members leaving the group.

Also be interested in hearing their thoughts on how to improve your site's performance, the topics or products they want to highlight, and the main pros and cons they've seen. Create a powerful clan with this deck to help you create a winning strategy.

4. Ad groups in an innovative way on Instagram posts or daily stories will create a state of curiosity to join that group and learn more about its content and the benefits it offers.

All the tips, ideas, and steps mentioned above critically depend on how powerful your content is! We keep reminding you the importance of creative and innovative content in getting your Instagram audience to visit your site. Always remember that content is key!

The ways to get free Instagram visitors that we mentioned in the article are completely free, but to implement them optimally and benefit from them, you will need more effort, work and experience .. so start now.


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